There are no Open Network Issues Currently

Server Status

Below is a real-time overview of our servers where you can check if there's any known issues.

Server Name HTTP FTP POP3 PHP Info Server Load Uptime
AU01 PHP Info PHP Info PHP Info PHP Info PHP Info
AU05 PHP Info
AU07 PHP Info
AU08 PHP Info
AU01 Server Operating System update (Resolved) Medium

Affecting Server - AU01

  • 02/10/2024 23:00 - 04/10/2024 12:32
  • Last Updated 02/10/2024 23:11

We have scheduled a planned maintenance window to perform server operating system and MySQL updates. During this time, customers hosted on the AU01 server will experience service downtime of up to 120 minutes starting on 02/10/2024 at 11:00 PM.

Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this upcoming maintenance, please contact our support team via ticket or by emailing